The Mineral Springs Hotel — Haunted America Conference Investigation 2022

As part of the package I purchased for the Haunted America Conference, I bought an after-hours investigation at The Mineral Springs Hotel in Alton, Illinois. The Mineral Springs is an iconic location I’ve always wanted to investigate. And yes, I’m a spoiled paranormal brat because I usually avoid group investigations at all costs — but I was willing to pay any price to see this haunted space. So I tempered my expectations for a serious investigation (but really, do we do anything serious?) and went in with the attitude of just wanting to have a little fun. After a fantastic tour, Lynsey and I poked around trying to find a spot in the building with as few people as possible, which led us to the hottest place on earth — the top floor. Our guide had told us some interesting info about a room up there once rented by a lady named Pearl and another room where investigators believe something dark is attached. So this is a highlight reel from a couple of ITC sessions. And, as with most of my experiments, things got a little weird and close to home right out of the gate. My wildest synchronicity during these sessions I’m not even ready to flesh out yet. It’s just too damn weird. But maybe someday.


Evel Ogilville


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